IVLP Alumni

International Exchange Alumni Network
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)
alumni.state.gov is an exclusive online community for current and emerging leaders who have participated in U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs. By joining, IVLP alumni will gain access to many membership benefits. ​
Your program office will register you for alumni.state.gov. Please expect an email from exchangealumni@state.gov welcoming you to the exchange alumni community.
Stay Connected with MCID
We want to hear about your IVLP experience!
Tag MCID Washington in your posts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and please send us:
Takeaways from your favorite meetings.
Your perceptions of the U.S. and American culture.
Reflections on how IVLP has impacted you.
Plans to implement ideas from IVLP at home.
Professional updates and achievements post IVLP.
Send your thoughts to MCIDSocialMedia@mcidwashington.org!

MCID IVLP Alumni Facebook Group
We have a Facebook Group intended for the IVLP alumni of programs organized by the Mississippi Consortium for International Development, or MCID Washington. The group’s purpose is to promote alumni engagement after the completion of IVLP and to serve as a platform where IVLP alumni from a broad range of backgrounds and IVLP programs can network, collaborate, converse, share professional updates, and keep up with IVLP developments.
This group is private, meaning that only approved members can see posts and the names of other members. Membership requests are screened for accuracy by MCID Washington and we ask that you please agree to follow the group's rules of engagement.